The council does not have any real legislative power, but rather provides an advisory function, submitting recommendations that may or may not be implemented. 这个议会没有任何实质的立法权力,但提供了顾问的功能,针对该实施或不该实施什么政策提出建议。
The limitation on intellectual property is of great importance to realize the legislative aim and value goal of intellectual property law, especially exerting the function and operation thereof based on the condition of new technology. 知识产权的权利限制对于实现知识产权的立法宗旨和价值目标,特别是发挥新技术条件下知识产权制度的功能和作用,具有重要的意义。
In the author's opinion, the non-professional excessive effectiveness-oriented legislative idea and the over-planned legislation behind plus the resulted neglect and refusal of the "select""eliminate" function of the bill system are the main reasons. 笔者认为,在这种现象背后代表的非职业化、过分追求效率的立法思路以及立法工作的强计划性以及由此而导致的对立法议案制度选择和淘汰功能的无视和排斥是其产生的重要原因。
In the author's opinion, the choice of legislation mode of evidence law requires a comprehensive consideration of legislative techniques, its coordination with procedural law. The practical function of evidence law and other factors such as the succession of legal convention and legal transplantation. 笔者认为证据立法模式的选择需要综合考虑立法技术、与诉讼法的协调、证据法的实际功能以及法律传统的承继与法律移植的接受等诸多因素。
It is the basis of administrative procedures legislation that properly choosing the legislative model and function model of the administrative procedure law; 科学界定行政程序法的基本原则,是行政程序法制化的关键;
This article puts forward some legislative suggestions in the aspects of deposit insurance system, establishment and function of the deposit safety unit, insurance coverage and deposit insurance premium rate, etc. 该文从存款保险体制、存款保险机构的设置、存款保险机构的职能、存款保险的参保方式和保险范围、存款保险费率、理赔标准等多方面为我国建立存款保险制度提出了立法建议。
Contractual marital property system shall choose its legislative model on the basis of its function; 约定夫妻财产制应从其功能出发选择立法模式;
This paper analyses the will-to-power in legislative discourse through the logical function of functional grammar and the relationship between language and power. 本论文从系统功能语言学的概念功能中逻辑功能的角度以及语言与权力的关系探讨立法语篇的权力意志。
Besides its effect on the economic relations, China's entry into WTO will exert impact on the legislative foundation and value of business law, and endow the business law with the double edge function of government intervention and intervening in the government. 在影响经济关系的基础上,入世还将对经济法的立法根据和价值选择产生影响,并要求经济法具有政府干预和干预政府的双刃剑功用。
This paper makes comparison of sports law with the science of law from legislative aim, function adjustment, law relation and enforcement method. It sums up basic character of sports law. 本文从立法目的、调整职能、法律关系和实施手段几个方面对体育法进行法学比较,概括出体育法的基本特征。
This thesis details concept, feature, legislative experience, positive function and legislative conception to acquire a better understanding of judicial dissolution of corporation. 在本文中,笔者就司法解散的概念与特征、两大法系其他国家的立法经验、积极作用、以及立法构想等方面进行了简要论述。
By the research of the dividing line between the legislative power and the judicial power, the relation of judicial interpretation and legal application, the author educes the dynamic function of judge and the rational status and function of the Supreme Court in the judicial interpretation. 通过研究司法解释与立法权的分界、与法律适用的关系问题,论证了法官在司法解释中的能动作用以及最高司法机关在司法解释中应有的合理地位与作用。
The legislative and the judiciary activities should be consistent with the function of behavior norms, while the obligatory consciousness should be strengthened and prevention should be given priority. 立法和司法工作应当遵循行为规范功能,强化义务意识,预防优先。
Legalization of secret investigation has become imperative. Legislative basis for secret investigation lies in its basic value in lawsuit function and defense function. 秘密侦查的立法依据在于其诉讼功能和防卫功能中所体现的基本价值。
In view of the uniqueness of legislative texts and the cohesive function of anaphora, the author of the present thesis puts forward four principles: accuracy, smoothness, normativeness and equivalence. 作者结合立法语篇的特殊性和回指的衔接功能,提出了四条翻译原则:准确、通顺、规范、对等。
However, the current legislation and judicial interpretation take a large step for perfecting the system of executive objection, they still can not fully meet the needs of the judicial practice, and affect the realization of prospective legislative function. 尽管现行立法、司法解释为完善执行异议制度迈出了较大的步伐,但仍然不能完全满足司法实践的需求,影响了预期立法功能的实现。
Then this article analyzed the feasibility of building unified competitive sports arbitration system in China in three aspect: unity of law demands, legislative fulcrum function of "sports law" and the function of the "arbitration law". 然后本文从法律的统一性诉求、《体育法》提供的立法抓手作用以及《仲裁法》提供的范式作用三个方面分析了在中国构建竞技体育统一仲裁制度的可行性。
In all, these deficiencies have really endangered the realization of procedural justice and substantial justice. The legislative function of the objection system of jurisdiction can not be performed very well in protecting the right to action of the party and in guaranteeing the equitable judgment. 这些缺陷已现实地危及到了程序公正乃至实体公正的实现,不能充分发挥管辖权异议制度保护当事人诉讼权利和保证审判公正进行的立法功能。
In operation of environmental criminal law, environmental criminal law efficiency specifies into legislative efficiency, judicial efficiency and executing efficiency, running the directing and evaluating function in this operation. 环境刑法效率在环境刑法运行中具体化为环境刑法的立法效率、司法效率、行刑效率,对环境刑法的运行发挥着指导、评价作用。
On the other hand, the legal interpretation plays an inhibitory effect to the negative sense of the function of fuzzy legislative language through its certain and cyclical nature and its function to fill vacancy. 另一方面,法律解释通过它的确定性、循环性和补缺功能对立法语言模糊性的负面意义起着抑制作用。
Legislative approach to determine the main function of public administration in building multi-service-oriented government to control the process of socialization of the expansion of administrative power solution. 以立法方式确定公共管理多元主体功用是在建设服务型政府的过程中控制行政权力扩张的社会化解决途径。
In translating the three kinds of anaphora in Chinese legislative texts, a translator should accurately convey the information in the translated texts and fully represent the cohesive function of anaphora. 译者在翻译各种回指形式时,必须保证准确传达源语信息,充分体现回指的衔接功能。
Finally, the author gives some own legislative proposals and hopes it can be able to promote the legislative process of Dian rights, then Dian rights can play its real function in legal system. 最后对于这种趋势,笔者给予了自己的一些立法建议,希望能够推动典权的立法进程,发挥典权作为特殊用益物权的功能。
The first part is about the summary of the elimination of criminal record system, mainly about the different foreign legislative situation, function and applied conditions. 第一部分是前科与前科消灭制度概述,主要讲述国外不同的立法概况、作用以及适用条件。
Mainly in the legislative function, and litigation practice. 主要表现在立法上,功能上与诉讼实践中。
Finally, we believe that the dissolution of the company judicial system is the introduction of legislative progress signs should be carefully implemented, so that the system should have the function to play. 最后,本文认为,公司司法解散制度的引入是立法进步的标志,应该得到审慎执行,使该制度应有的功能得到发挥。
The thesis are more or less superficial, but I hope that my legislative proposal can play a reference and auxiliary function. 论述较为粗浅,但希望自己提出的相关立法建议,能对已有的法律规定起到参考和辅助作用。
In terms of legislative intention, expected function and institutional design, our representative action should be classified in contemporary community lawsuit. Besides, according to our country reality, legislators not only improve on institutional prototype, but also impose restraint on it. 从立法意图、预期功能和制度设计上看,代表人诉讼完全可以归类为当代群体诉讼中的一种类型,同时,立法者适应我国的实际,对制度原型进行改进和制约。
The author carries on the above research expectation to consummate the hinders official business crime law and the connotation with legislative or the explanation way, in order to guarantee the social function of the criminal law. 笔者进行上述研究期望用立法或解释的方式对妨害公务罪法条及内涵予以完善以确保刑法的社会功能。
Legislative language refers to the language used in laws and regulations, and it is a register in lingua franca, which carries legislative function, thus translation of legislative language is of high value of research. 立法语言是指在立法领域中所使用的语言,它是全民语言中的一个语域,是有立法功能的语言变体,所以立法文本句子的翻译有着很高的研究价值。